Personally I have been fortunate enough to be one of the few people in relation to the world, who have been born into the wealth of the western world. Receiving an education, a home to live in and a good health care system. This reflection will discuss the common good and social justice in regard to the mission of the Australian catholic university, the affect it has had on my life and strategy’s to deal with challenges posed in my future profession as a nurse.
The acu mission is “guided by a fundamental concern for justice and equity, and the dignity of all human beings.” (The ACU Mission, 2012) this statement found from the acu mission, shows the strong belief that acu has about social justice and the common good.
The common good is continuously being demonstrated at acu though catholic teaching that is imbedded in the teaching style. An example of acu in action can be seen an international collaboration project that improves the development of quality educational and institutional capacities in East Timor. Another project that acu founded is Clement Australia. “ Clemente is a unique program that brings university level education, delivered by ACU to disadvantaged people.” (Clemente Australia, 2009) A Clemente student explains "Events took away my confidence and self-esteem…the course helped me get back on track" (Clemente student)”. These are just a few of the many projects that ACU are evolved with to promote social Justice and the common good.
During 2009 I saved up enough money, in order to travel to Zambia. Their I was confronted with a personal challenge. During my time over there I went with a doctor to a local village in Zambia to do a medical clinic. The doctor lead me into a small run down building where a man lay on a mattress. He was riddled with AIDS. This man would have been about 6 foot tall and yet weighed around 45kg. His face was gaunt, his pores dilated, and his nose had deteriorated to be almost unrecognizable. My initial reaction was to run as the thought of death scared me. Then reality kicked in, this man was a human, no less than me, yes he had disturbing physical features but still disserved respect and dignity like any other person. I have been so privileged in life that I take things for granted therefore realize that I will have to face a lot of pain and suffering in the world if I want to make a difference as a nurse.
Death and physical impairments are a constant occurrence within health care. Consequently as a professional it is vital to make sure patients are treated equally and with the up most respect. Not so long ago my grandmother told me how when she was recovering from surgery. A male Nurse came to take her for a shower, she explained that she would be more comfortable with a female nurse. ‘Don’t worry I have seen it all before ‘ he said, wile undressing her. I was appalled at how unprofessional the nurse had been in regards to my grandma’s request.. As the code of conduct for registered practitioners specifically states in section 3.2 ” being courteous, respectful, compassionate and honest”.( Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Health Practice Board Of Australia, 2008). This statement is an additional reminder that as a professional, it is so important to have the respect and dignity for every person and their wishes. When a challenging situation occurs in my future profession as a nurse, I will remember how important the values social justice and the common good is in healthcare and everyday life.
It is extremely important for professionals to remain sensitive towards others and their situation. Furthermore in a healthcare, majority of the time patients are feeling stressed about their injury or illness and it is very important to make the situation, as normal as possible. For example reassuring a patient that what is happening is a common procedure. The code of professional conduct for nurses In Australia illustrates “Nurses respect the dignity, culture, ethnicity, values and beliefs of people receiving care and treatment, and of their colleagues.” (Australian Nursing & midwifery Council ,2008.) This code further illustrates the necessity of caring for people in an appropriate manner. Additionally is a constant reminder to overcome challenges, in my future profession as a nurse. Social justice and the common good, is so important for not only professional but also every person to take part in. ACU is an example of this and has imbedded in the students of their university, their values. These values will allow me to deal with situations that occur in the future in a just and merciful way.