While at FMSC, I boxed the bags of food. This was sometimes difficult as when I was placing bags into a box, new bags would pile up quickly on the side of the table, forcing me to scramble to distribute onto the numbered table before packing a new box. This slight struggle was increased recently as FMSC adopted a new table design with 3 packing tables fueling to one boxing table. This meant that I had to box faster as I had three tables’ bags, not just two tables’ bags. During my first shift, I boxed for a set of three very fast tables, increasing the effort required to keep up with the tables. Despite my small struggles at FMSC, I had a very rewarding experience. At FMSC, I volunteered with my family. I’m usually busy and don’t get to see my family very often, so getting to pack with them was a great way to spend time together. The largest reward of volunteering at FMSC is getting to see pictures and videos of the people I helped. When I volunteered the first time, I saw a video of little boy named Nelson from Haiti who was starving and begging in the street. With the help of FMSC’s food, he grew healthy and strong and got to start school. The final time I visited, we saw videos of people from Ukraine who received FMSC’s food. They couldn’t afford food in the war zone that is their home and depended on FMSC for help. I was most …show more content…
To be catholic means to be universal. FMSC is global, feeding hungry people in nearly 100 different countries. Additionally, while they are a Christian organization, FMSC gives food and hope to people regardless of their religion. Through partnering with organizations in many different countries and feeding people regardless of their religion, FMSC shows that the Church is catholic because it is universal and helps all, regardless of their status, religion, or past. FMSC’s mission statement involves spreading God’s word and food to all people around the world. FMSC’s mission statement applies to all people. They believe that everyone deserves to know God and to have food, hope, and a chance at life. This shows that service at FMSC fulfills the catholic mark of the Church because the mission of FMSC is universal and applies to all. One facet of the Church’s catholicism is that is utilizes local culture to spread God’s word. FMSC is similar because it uses local organizations to spread God’s word through preaching and actions. Hence, because FMSC gives food to people around the world, applies their mission statement to all people, regardless of their nationality or religion, and uses local culture and organizations to help spread their message and food, service at FMSC shows that the Church is