Thursday, 28 March, 2013
Dear Sir,
This document contains my knowledge and lessons on ethics and integrity I have learnt from the Academic Seminar as well as the reasons why I found myself interacting with the Office of Student Conduct.
My suspension was based on misconduct of academic ethics and integrity. We were caught cheating on quizzes and on online tests. Being afraid to tell the truth, the school gave us suspension which I have served outside school. My involvement in academic misconduct in the University of Nevada, Las Vegas has taught me a lesson after the sanction posed on me. It was my actions that have caused me all these mess and according to the lessons I have learnt in the Academic Integrity Seminar, I believe in high degree of integrity from today. My friend and I were caught cheating on quizzes and online tests. Unfortunately, our instructor caught us red-handed and we were referred to the Office of Student Conduct. My relaxed efforts on academics led me into all these mess. Instead of going to do more studies on previously learnt topics, my peers and I would go to the clubs and any other place that we could have fun and forgot our academic roots were more important. Only to find that I had nothing to offer whenever there was an exam. That’s when my best friend would suggest that we improvise a way in which we can acquire high grades and achieve academic scholarship. The truth is that our efforts were imposing a great danger in my academic and personal life. This kind of incidences has also happened to my peers especially my best friend. To avoid such a circumstance occurring again in my life, I have decided to take my studies more seriously. Again, I have decided to make proper preparations in my studies prior to examination period or any other test and quiz. I have also decided to avoid the bad groups or peers in the campus and choose a company