A major educational experience is one that engages the learner and has specific educational outcomes. In particular with maths students a web quest is a great way to do just that. The goal of Web Quest is to help students think and reason at higher levels, and use information to solve problems. In reflecting of creating and designing lessons that included a web quest there were many considerations such as teaching strategies, assessment, criteria, use of essential learning’s, learning outcomes, the Language Model and strategies to base pedagogy around. For a teacher the planning for the content and pedagogy can be a daunting task especially when considering all learning styles.
The lesson plans are designed for fourth and fifth graders and meets the curriculum objectives for maths, SOSE and ICT’s. Based on the QSA, Essential Learning’s the lessons were designed to promote an effective authentic learning environment in the areas of measurement and space (mapping, directions) which supports the diverse needs of learners. Frameworks for effective teaching to support students’ conceptual understanding need to emphasise the need for tasks that are mathematically challenging and significant (Askew, Brown, Denvir, & Rhodes, 2000; Fraivillig, 2001). In supporting all learning styles various uses of resources, cognitive thinking to enhance higher order thinking and hands on learning with the use of ICT’s . The following four steps were followed in the planning phase of preparation: establishing the objective and desired outcomes; researching the subject; organizing the material; and planning productive classroom activities.
The lesson plans are set out with the intentions of students meeting the learning outcomes in the three phases of orientating, enhancing and synthesizing. Students are challenged in each phase by recognizing, identifying, producing, creating, discussing and comparing
References: Department of Education Science and Training (2004) Investigation of effective mathematics teaching and learning in Australian secondary schools. Retrieved 11 May, 2011 from http://www.dest.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/EA543951-4D16-4E9A-A92D-6F98A49C7879/1629/report_web.pdf LeGard, W (2004) Piaget Versus Vygotsky. Retrieved 2 May, 2011 from http://www.scribd.com/doc/13401568/Piaget-Versus-Vygotsky USQ (2011) EDX 3280, Module 1 Planning and Teaching. {Week 1 PowerPoint slides}Retrieved 01 May, 2011 from http://usqstudydesk.usq.edu.au/course/view.php?id=19093&sso USQ (2011) EDX 3280, Module {Week 1 PowerPoint slides}Retrieved 03 May, 2011 from http://usqstudydesk.usq.edu.au/course/view.php?id=19093&sso