The first patient interaction I observed was with a 4-year-old female who was complaining of an itchy buttock. Lauren and I met the patient and her mother in the hallway because we heard the patient crying. At our initial meeting, we got onto the child’s level and asked if she wanted any toys. The patient was so distraught that she was crying, shaking, holding onto her mom, and breathing heavily. Lauren and I picked toys that were developmentally appropriate, such as bubbles and a book, in order to make the experience less stressful. The patient was in Piaget’s __stage, and Erikson’s __ stage. Knowing her developmental age helped me to realize why this experience was so traumatic to the patient because of _____. Reflecting back, I would have also brought the patient a pinwheel to
The first patient interaction I observed was with a 4-year-old female who was complaining of an itchy buttock. Lauren and I met the patient and her mother in the hallway because we heard the patient crying. At our initial meeting, we got onto the child’s level and asked if she wanted any toys. The patient was so distraught that she was crying, shaking, holding onto her mom, and breathing heavily. Lauren and I picked toys that were developmentally appropriate, such as bubbles and a book, in order to make the experience less stressful. The patient was in Piaget’s __stage, and Erikson’s __ stage. Knowing her developmental age helped me to realize why this experience was so traumatic to the patient because of _____. Reflecting back, I would have also brought the patient a pinwheel to