Reflection is a process whereby you actively recapture, notice and re-evaluate your learning experience. There are no right or wrong answers. It is an exercise that indicates you personal learning experience.
Answer the following questions:
|1 |To what extent do you feel that you have achieved the learning outcomes for the study units in this assignment? |
| |I do not know which learning |Did not achieve the |Limited |Moderate |Fully achieved the |
| |outcomes were relevant to this |learning outcomes | | |learning outcomes |
| |assignment | | | | |
|2 |Please indicate the extent to which the doing of this assignment contributed to your understanding of the course concepts. |
| |Did not contribute at all |Limited contribution to |Unsure |Some contribution to |I now understand the |
| | |understanding | |understanding |course concepts |
|3 |If you could redo this assignment again, what would you want to do differently? Mark your top 3 choices; you can add your own |
| |opinion in the space provided below: |
|3.1 |Start with the assignment earlier. | |
|3.2 |Contact the lecturer(s) for assistance. | |
|3.3 |Form a study group. | |
|3.4 |Have more contact with