On my second week of clinical at Credit Valley Hospital, I experienced an event that I will not forget. One of my nurses patient was being vicious, acting inappropriately and violent towards the nurses there, causing an uncomfortable environment and putting his safety and other safety on the line. I have always heard of patient abuse, patient neglect, patients being sexually abuse, etc.… but I have hardly ever heard about staff mistreatment from patients, patient’s family members, and other staff. In my first semester of nursing, I was taught to treat patients with courtesy, respect, and care and most importantly, their safety. But we were only taught once on ways to protect ourselves from patient abuse. This incident has taught me that as a nurse I must protect my patients but I must primary consider protecting myself.
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However, my nurse has mentioned that she is not tolerating such thing and had requested bed alarm for this patient, as well as, told the family member that they needed to be here watching over him. I truly feel that changes should be made. This is not just for my safety, but for the safety of others. At this point everyone was aware of the situation and supported the nurse to the best of her ability. However, I did not see anyone nor my nurse fill-out an incident report but did rather hear my nurse notifying other nurses of the issue while they covered her for break. An incident report should be mandated for situation like these.
This is a practice I would change for the future. I now know that no matter how big or little the situation is, I would always do an incident report, along with, informing the family members. Hopefully that would help the situation from occurring again.