Health and safety.
On this training course I have learnt about the health and safety risks of my work place. (Health and safety manager) taught me the difference between a hazard and a risk also the steps 1-5 on how to identify both then handle them. I learnt how to identify whether it’s a high or low risk and the actions that are required. In this training I got taught and showed how to appropriately use the accident and near miss forms. I also learnt about fire risk and where and how to evacuate myself and service users at the sound of the fire alarm, also who to report to if anybody is left in the building.
Safe guarding vulnerable adults.
On this training course I learnt about all the safe guarding issues there could be in a care setting. One of the most important things I learnt about was the policies and laws that cover safe guarding such as *no secrets 2000(DOH guidance) *ISA(vetting and barring scheme) vulnerable groups act 2006 * Health and social care act 2008 * The domestic violence crime and victims act 2004 *Safe guarding adults policy * human rights act.
These polices are put in place to protect vulnerable adults, to promote independence and freedom also to ensure individuals safety and rights. These are also here to protect adults within their day to day lives whether this be at home, day centre or a work place.
I also learnt the different types of abuse and what signs to look for. Within the course I saw a lot of investigations that were carried out to do with who was abused, referrals and the nature of the abuse. The areas covered in these investigations were physical disability 70%, mental health 20%, Learning disability 97% and substance misuse 0.3%. They also covered the types of abuse that have been going on physical 49%, emotional 31%, sexual 7%, neglect 35% and discriminatory 1% some of these were new to me such as financial 24% and