Global Online Electronic International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (GOEIIRJ)
{Bi-Monthly} Volume - II, Special Issue - I on Reflective Education October 2013
Santosh A. Melashetty
Assistant Professor
KER Society’s M.Ed. P.G. Centre
Karnatak College of Education, Bidar
Reflection means to describe one basic level of thinking i.e. what you did ? What others did? and how you felt ?etc. Reflection has often been viewed as synonymous with critical thinking.
Reflection is an important human activity in which people recapture their experience. Think about it, null over and evaluate it. It is the working with experience that is important in teaching / learning.
John Dewey (1933) states, reflection involves a willingness to engage in constant self appraisal and development, reflection implies flexibility, rigorous analysis is social awareness.
Reflection is being increasingly viewed as a valuable learning method for different purpose.
There are main two important types of reflections i.e. dialogical and critical reflection and it follows the guided and action research method and it goes in cyclic way.
Reflective Education refers to the process of the educator studying his/her own teaching methods and determining what works best for the students regarding subjects and moreover critical and analytical thinking about the learning and teaching activities. Teaching – learning are complex and there is no one right approach, reflecting on different versions of teaching approaches and reshaping past and current experiences will lead to improvement in teaching, learning and education reflection in action helps teacher in making the professional knowledge that they will gain from their experience in classroom.
In reflective education educator engage in thinking critical thinking and analytical approach