The researcher has reported findings from a qualitative study carried out on peer and neighbourhood influences on teenage pregnancy and fertility. Using face-to-face and semi structured interviews, 15 mothers under 21years of age and 9 coordinators took part in the study. The findings suggest that there is no evidence suggesting peer influence on the outcome of teenage pregnancies even though this is from the mothers’ point of view. The researcher reveals that early child birth in some communities is an acceptable finding and that social, cultural and demographic factors contribute to the geographical variations in teenage pregnancies. She however acknowledges that service use (an important neighbourhood determinant of outcomes) was not examined in the study. Concepts discussed in the literature review are teenage pregnancy and fertility (reproductive behaviour) which is found to be associated with peer and neighbourhood influences. The British research on neighbourhoods is usually linked to contemporary debates about urban regeneration, neighbourhood renewal and the geographic dimensions of social exclusion (Blackman et al., (2001). This literature can be seen, in turn, as part of the work exploring social/spatial variations in all the effect of place on health and wellbeing (Flournoy and Yen, 2004). The conceptual backbone of this research on peer and neighbourhood influences is that, properties or norms emerge from the community and these exert their own influence on individuals behaviours spatially varying cultures exist that influence, shape, constrain or confine individuals behavioural
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