I believe that I came in late to the game. I grew up in an environment that discouraged sexual and gender exploration, that discouraged feminism, and as a multi racial child, discouraged believing in racial inequality. So I taught myself. I engaged in online discourse to learn and inundate myself in these topics that had been previously taboo to me, and as I learned more and more about these topics, …show more content…
Although I have educated myself to the point where I am satisfied with my progress in learning about inequality and social institutions, studying at a collegiate level would further broaden my understanding of gender, sexuality, and culture. The more I have learned about Women's and Gender studies, the more I want to learn about it. I recognize that the more that time passes, the more there is to learn about it. In short, I do not want my children and children's children to grow up like I did: unaware of the complexity and variation in the world around them; ignorant of social issues and complacent with the oppressive status quo. Furthering my studies in Women's and Gender studies will help become more of a global citizen, aware of culture and custom, of justice and injustice, and help others become aware as