One of the points that stood out for me during discussion was “does age hinder sex?” which was referring to the line “I smell like an old woman.” It was interesting to see the different opinions within the discussion, the main point that seemed common to me was that of self esteem issues, many were saying that it is not age that hinders sex more ones perception of age, if Fermina was able to see further than her physical appearance, as she later does, it is possible that her age would have made no difference, it was the fact the she was self conscious that was holding her back.
Another interesting point that was bought up during discussion was that of the relationship between love and sex. This was bought up from the description of Fermina’s body as she was undressing with the author stating, “It was just as he had imagined it”. This shows us that despite Florentino’s knowledge of Fermina’s physical appearance he still found her desirable. The point we discussed was that love is stronger than anything, and when it comes to sex it is love that creates the attraction not appearance. From the discussion we generated from this topic I think that this is a very possible pathway for my final essay, looking at the relationship between love and sex, love and age and sex and