Describe a situation when you have (or could have) used all four frames to reframe your leadership in that situation
Bolman and Deal identify four frames by which a situation can be analysed and reframed.
Working as Commissioning Manager, I have regularly applied reframing, using all four frames.
Most recently I have been requested to Commission and start up a fast track project.
Using a regular team meeting forum I am able to apply the 4 frames during most meetings
The current organisation is segmented and as such various stakeholders have their own deliverables. Each delivery team requires my scarce resources to help them deliver. I hold the scarce resources and allocate according to various business requirements, with each project believing their work is the most important to the company and wishing to deliver the work either on or ahead of schedule.
I work within this classic Political frame, allowing me to bargain, manipulate a situation to my advantage and exercise power. As such by stating the companies objectives and priorities gives me legitimate power to assign my resources in a manner which appears to favour one party over another, with the frame of developing a situation which can one day be used to my own advantage.
As part of the fast track project I meet on a twice weekly basis with the whole of my team to both review the current status of the fast track works and to review all other scopes and interfaces.
Structurally the forum allows me to role out the current priorities, to assign resources, set objectives and within the frame, the deliverables required to achieve this.
The Forum allows me to share new information and to offer