Not everyone in the world is fortune enough to get a treatment for a series condition that the one have. Culture play a big role in the explanations behind induvial refusing lifesaving treatments. Synonymous of culture revolves around ethnicity, nationality and language. For example, patients with certain ethnicity and beliefs such as, Jehovah’s witness and their refusal on any form of blood transfusion or blood products, based on biblical verses. In a paper by Professor R Macklin, He discuss a two standard case studies of Jehovah’s witness that needed a blood transfusion. The first case study was a competent adult patient that refused a treatment that potentially save his life. In spite of that, the respect of person’s principles endorses the physicians to conform with the expressed wishes of the competent adult patient even if the anticipated repercussions are hostile and vault. The competent
Not everyone in the world is fortune enough to get a treatment for a series condition that the one have. Culture play a big role in the explanations behind induvial refusing lifesaving treatments. Synonymous of culture revolves around ethnicity, nationality and language. For example, patients with certain ethnicity and beliefs such as, Jehovah’s witness and their refusal on any form of blood transfusion or blood products, based on biblical verses. In a paper by Professor R Macklin, He discuss a two standard case studies of Jehovah’s witness that needed a blood transfusion. The first case study was a competent adult patient that refused a treatment that potentially save his life. In spite of that, the respect of person’s principles endorses the physicians to conform with the expressed wishes of the competent adult patient even if the anticipated repercussions are hostile and vault. The competent