Reginald hopped off his horse at the Rocking Horse and went inside to ask the barkeeper about the thieves that stole his wig but as he look into the window he gasped in shock as he saw two drunks talking over Reginald's wig! Reginald was frail and clumsy, there was no chance he could snatch his wig without them noticing, but he was determined to get it back, he decided that he could out wit them. He opened the door, and slinked inside. He scrutinized the 2 very closely, it seemed like hours, gallons of sweat dripped down his face, hoping they wouldn't notice him, the bartender gave me a suspicious look, I had forgotten to order anything, attempting the remain calm, I ordered a drink, the cold, murky, beer slid across the wood like an ice rink, I quickly grabbed as it slid. I Quaffed it down in one gulp. The men must have had at least 7 drinks. It almost seemed like I was stuck in time, and, in that instant, I knew, one of them had passed out, he fell slowly to the ground, almost smiling, like he knew what he had done, his head hit the table, he fell to the ground almost immediately, the other gentleman got up to help him but on his way up he conked hit heat on the bar. He could taste beer and victory. He could hear the falling of the table, loud and disrupting. Reginald felt victorious, yet he had done nothing. He snatched the wig, casually and walked …show more content…
He didn't bother to stop and help he just continued to his house. When he reached his house he walked in and started to worry about everything he saw today, his proud British soldiers dying, beggars, and the barbaric patriots. He threw his wig on the ground, grabbed his coin purse and ran straight back out the door to help the wounded British, he threw his coins to the beggars and helped the wounded captain he had talked to before arriving in Boston by cleaning his wounds. After he had helped the wounded he never wore a wig again and began instead to help the British throughout the war and give all of his earnings to people in need. He learned that there are a lot of things more important than his