Bleeding or Inflamed Gums: When a patient’s gums become inflamed and bleed, they are sometimes referred to a periodontist. These condition if left untreated can cause the teeth to fall out or become loose. This condition is more formally known as periodontitis
or gum disease. This condition has been lined with many serious conditions, such as those that affect the heart.
Root Planning or Scaling: Another common minor service performed by periodontists is scaling and root planning. Root planning or scaling works by smoothing or scraping away plaque that causes rough spots on the root, which restores a clean surface by removing bacteria. It allows the teeth to reattach to the now clean surface.
Pocket Reduction Surgery/Flap Surgery: Periodonists also perform more invasive treatments such as pocket reduction and flap surgery. This works by lifting the bums back, removing the tarter present, smoothing irregular surfaces, which deters bacteria. The gums are then replaced around the teeth more snugly. This eliminates the areas where bacteria can hide.
Soft Tissue Grafts: This procedure removes tissues from the roof of the mouth. This tissue is then stitching into a receding of thin gum area, which reinforces the gum.
Alveolar Guided Tissues Regeneration: This procedure works by placing a mesh-like fabric between the teeth and gums. This keeps the gums from growing where bone should be present. This procedure is usually performed along with flap surgery. This creates a better support system for teeth.
Bone Grafts: Bone grafts are created with either donated, synthetic or a patient’s own bone. It replaces bone that has been destroyed by gum disease. The graft supports the regrowth of bone, which in turn leads to more stability in the teeth.
Bone Surgery: This procedure works to smoothing out areas where bacteria collects after flap surgery.
There are many other varieties of the procedures listed above and other procedures that perodontists specialize in performing. They work hard to restore the support system of the teeth, making them healthier overall.