Being the most prevalent form of periodontitis, chronic periodontitis is defined as “an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissue of the teeth caused by specific microorganisms, resulting in progressive destruction of the supporting structures of the teeth.”1 It is most prevalent in elderly patients with the presence of causative factors such as calculus, plaques, associated systemic conditions, smoking and overhanging restorations.2 Clinically, chronic periodontitis is often associated with a decrease in bone level, decrease in periodontal attachment level and loss of stippling effect of the healthy gingival, periodontal pockets formation and gingival inflammation. As chronic periodontitis may be asymptomatic with the gingival appearing healthy despite the presence of ongoing underlying infection, patients may be totally unaware of the existence of the condition and continue assuming that their gingival health is good.3 This makes it particularly difficult for the patient to accept treatment, further contributing to the progression of the disease. Because plaques and calculus are the primary initiating factors in gingivitis and periodontitis, plaque retentive factors are notably important in the development of…