
Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet

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Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet
Young love: love between young people. Although the definition is quite simple, young love is a rollercoaster of emotions and actions as the individuals develop independently and as a couple. The play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare is quite possibly the most iconic love story of all times. It is the tale of two young, star crossed lovers: Romeo of the Montague family, and Juliet of the Capulet family. Meeting at a masquerade, they fall for one another at first sight. Despite their families’ long feud, they are secretly married by Friar Lawrence the next day, with Juliet’s nurse as the only other person who knows about their relationship. But within days of their marriage, Romeo is banished from the city of Verona for killing Tybalt, …show more content…
Romeo and Juliet both turn to Friar Lawrence for help on their own, so he sends Romeo out of Verona to avoid further angering the Prince, and helps Juliet fake her death with a comatose inducing potion. Due to miscommunication, Romeo never received Friar Lawrence’s letter explaining his plan with Juliet. When he sees Juliet’s ‘dead’ body for himself, he drinks poison and kills himself. Juliet wakes soon after, then takes his knife and kills herself after seeing his dead body. Through both Romeo and Juliet’s suicidal impulses, Shakespeare delivers the themes of young love with their jejune and irrational behaviour. Alongside their young love, Shakespeare connected other character’s self-destructive tendencies to the immense love they had for Romeo or …show more content…
“Do thou but call my resolution wise, And with this knife I’ll help it presently. God join’d my heart and Romeo’s, thou our hands;” (Romeo and Juliet 4.1.53-55). When Juliet found Romeo dead, she decided to kill herself with his weapon so that they would be together forever. She was so young and her perspective of love was so small, she, like Romeo, could not imagine going on without the other and thought her only option was to die. Neither were thinking about the future, and only saw heartbreak and being alone in their future, which depicted their young

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