it very informative on if veterans actually put effort in getting services. It fits into my research perfectly because it shows other factors that can enhance the cause of suicide. The information is interesting just because it proves how much some health care systems are not pay responsive and aware to these individuals who are suffering and that the individuals but the effort to get aid. This article impacts the general topic just because it needs to be forced that there are veterans that are suffering and are contemplating suicide and there is a need of method to reduce it.
it very informative on if veterans actually put effort in getting services. It fits into my research perfectly because it shows other factors that can enhance the cause of suicide. The information is interesting just because it proves how much some health care systems are not pay responsive and aware to these individuals who are suffering and that the individuals but the effort to get aid. This article impacts the general topic just because it needs to be forced that there are veterans that are suffering and are contemplating suicide and there is a need of method to reduce it.