English 111
April 30, 2014
Release the Green!
Marijuana is a substance that has become very much a part of American culture. Nearly 65 million Americans have either used it occasionally or regularly. The use of marijuana hit mainstream America about thirty years ago and it has been accepted by a large segment of society ever since the 1980’s. Legalizing marijuana could help the world out in some many different ways, for example, the crime rate, the reason I say crime rate there has never been a crime committed while being stoned or hazed so that means less crime would be committed, and also the money the countries could make from selling marijuana. However there are also some bad effects of legalizing marijuana, for example, marijuana contains more cancer causing substances than tobacco smoke. Not only could drug harm you physically also use of the drug heavily could cause major brain damage also I learn from my Biology Mark Vitrone and I quote “Marijuana changes the structure of sperm cells, deforming them. Thus even small amounts of marijuana can cause temporary sterility in men. Marijuana use can upset a woman’s menstrual cycle.”(Vitrone 1) Also their more than the few things I just informed you about, but also short term effects could be caused for example the user feels sleepy or depressed, increase in the user heartbeat, and the user anxiety kicks in. For the long term effects it could mess up your growth, your immune system, personality and mood changes and lack of motivation. Also the final bad effects of legalizing marijuana being addicted to the drug not begin able to live without the drug having to smoke a little bit every day the bad effects of using this drug would you want to live like this for the rest of your life you decide. Now where there a bad side thing their also a good side to legalizing marijuana (AKA Mary Jane or Cush).
As you read about marijuana you always hear about what it does to people and