3.1 OU-1 - Source Control …show more content…
The first action taken was to conduct a geoprobe soil sampling and analysis, in order to determine the spatial extent of VOC and metal contaminations. The geoprobe study showed that the upper soils (depth less than 6 m) were not heavily polluted, and the VOCs in the soils were below the cleanup levels. Therefore, soil treatment via the SVE system was not warranted. Before the whole geoprobe study finished in June 1995, some other activities were taken. The first one was to determine the demolition of the Circuitron building. Though in OU-1 ROD the building was not determined to be demolished, subsequent investigations showed that he building had deteriorated markedly, and therefore it was decided to demolish the building. The demolition of the building was initiated in June 1996. After that, the activities that were chosen to remedy contaminated soils in the geoprobe study were initiated in November, 1996 and completed on December 20, 1996. The most important thing is to remove underground structures and sediments and soils in or around them. They removed building flooring, sediments in the leaching pools and those pools themselves, the soil surrounding those underground structures, and some roll-off containers. After these activities, approximately 50 tons of contaminated sediments and 1200 tons of contaminated soils were removed. Besides, they sampled the wastes that was left from previous activities for full RCRA Toxicity …show more content…
The results of this sampling program were used to determine the final location of the groundwater extraction wells. After that, URS initiated on-site construction activities in August 1999. They firstly uncovered seven dry wells approximately 3 m in diameter and 4.5 m deep which were abandoned before, as monitoring wells. Then three extraction wells and two monitoring wells were drilled. Besides, some other RA activities were performed. They trenched and installed the pipeline and electrical cables from the treatment facility to the extraction wells, and installed the reinjection trench, which were necessary for pumping groundwater into treatment facility. A building in which the treatment facility would be installed was constructed, firstly the building foundation and concrete slab, and secondly the pre-engineered metal building. After the construction of the building, the process equipment was installed. Then, an approximate two-inch thickness of stone cover was placed. Finally, they tested the groundwater treatment facility. The grading of this site was also done at this