Semester 1, 2012
Bhupen Behary Paray
Module 1 introduction 1.1 Introduction
How does the media engage you?
How do you engage with the media?
This video is one of many that I have seen highlighting the rapid changes made in technology and I remember being amazed by the sheer number of statistics.
But I found the following statement to be most thought provoking. “Convergence is everywhere. Its easier than ever to reach a large audience but harder than ever to really connect with it.”
My suspicion is that this relates to the multiple number of ways that we can obtain information or methods of communication. Traditionally we could only communicate with each other via mail, land line telephone or by physically visiting. Today we can utilize multiple social media platforms, videophone calls on our mobile phones or via our computers utilizing products such as Skype.
Does this mean that because we have too much choice, we find it
Difficult to relate intimately with the technology. I think this is food
for thought and for more discussion with my study group and the
discussion board in general.
1.2 The medium is the message
When media converge?
Four puzzles from cyber space: Lessig, L. (2006) * internet and cyberspace = two different things * internet is a way fo living; shopping, banking, research, communication and entertainment * cyberspace built on top of the internet for a more fulfilling experience * generational differences * communication age/ digital age * cyberspace and facebook, where is the line drawn? Participatory culture: how media changes, not just spectatorial
Convergence Culture (Henry Jenkins of Participatory Culture) ”moment of transition, new media system is being born, spectatorial culture is giving way to participatory culture, complex media scape,