
Rene Descartes Trademark Argument

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It is not obtained through sense perceptions. This is a reason that supports his claim that finite substances, such as the human mind, are not capable of creating such a omnipotent, omnibenevolent, infinite, omniscient God. He goes on to claim that the idea of God is innate, a concept that is present, or “imprinted”, in the human mind from birth. Descartes strongly believes that innate ideas are the necessary things that provide a reliable basis for all metaphysical knowledge. The idea of God is clearly and distinctly perceived. Descartes does admit, however, that he cannot grasp the thought of God’s existence, but that he merely understands it. Due to his conclusion that God ultimately exists, he is now able to trust the external world with …show more content…

However, just because this one argument brought up by Rene Descartes proved to be invalid, it does not mean that it is impossible for anyone to know that God exists. It just means that this specific proof does not work. Descartes’ Fifth Meditation further goes on to advance the proof of God’s existence, in the Ontological Argument, but that argument will be saved for another time. From my standpoint on this matter, I do not believe that God’s existence is something that can be proven through logic. There are too many widespread differences across faiths and non-faiths as to what God actually is and whether or not this being exists. In reference to Kierkegaard’s work, he led to the claim that it is possible to have faith in God, but it is not possible to believe in God (McDonald, p. 5). My opinion is most commonly related with that of Kierkegaard’s, that God is something that is beyond logic, proof, and reason. Descartes did have those who objected to his Meditations. One person who has written him her objection was Princess Elizabeth. The Princess remarked that Descartes not explain how the pineal gland, which is a physical thing, could interact with the mind, a non-physical thing creating the “Mind-Body

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