The electricity requirements of the world including India are increasing at alarming rate and the power demand has been running ahead of supply. It is also now widely recognized that the fossil fuels (i.e., coal, petroleum and natural gas) and other conventional resources, presently being used for generation of electrical energy, may not be either sufficient or suitable to keep pace with ever increasing demand of the electrical energy of the world. Also generation of electrical power by cold based steam power plant or nuclear power plants causes pollution, which is likely to be more acute in future due to large generating capacity on one side and greater awareness of the people in this respect. The recent severe energy crisis has forced the world to develop new and alternative methods of power generation, which could not be adopted so far due to various reasons. The magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD) power generation is one of the examples of a new unique method of power generation. The other non-conventional methods of power generation may be such as solar cells, fuel cells, thermo-electric generator, thermionic converter, solar power generation, wind power generation, geo-thermal energy generation, tidal power generation etc. This paper elucidates about Different Energy sources, why we are going for non-conventional energy sources, Different non-conventional energy sources & comparison between them, about fuel cells and their applications.
INTRODUCTION: Why we are going for non-conventional energy sources?
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Basically the energy sources are two types; they are
References: ¬ A course in electrical power by J.B.gupta (s.k.kataria&sons). ¬ Power system engineering by I.J.nagrath & D.P.kothari (TMH publishers). ¬ Fuel Cell Handbook, Sixth Edition, U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Strategic Center for Natural Gas, November 2002. ¬ Larminie, J. and Dicks, A.: Fuel Cell Systems Explained, 2nd edition, John Wiley, Chichester. ¬ Mehta, V. and Cooper, J.S.: Review and analysis of PEM fuel cell design and manufacturing, J. Power Sources, Vol. 144. ¬ World Fuel Cell Council: www.fuelcellworld.org/ ¬ Fuel Cells 2000: www.fuelcells.org/ ¬ European Commission re Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells http://europa.eu.int - See more at: http://www.creativeworld9.com/2011/04/abstract-and-full-paper-on-renewable.html#sthash.DPyf7Lul.dpuf