Employee satisfaction has been defined as a function of perceived performance and expectations. It is one 's feelings about his job. A satisfied employee has positive feelings about his job where as a dissatisfied employee has negative feelings about his job.
1.1 TITLE OF THE STUDY: "Employee satisfaction at Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL): A case study on Kushtia Telecom Division"
1.2 RATIONALE OF THE STUDY: Internship Program of Islamic University is a requirement for the EMBA students. This study is a partial requirement of the Internship program of EMBA curriculum at the Islamic University. The aim of internship is to get the student exposed to the job world. Being an intern as well as a professional, I have taken the challenge to translate the theoretical concepts of Employee satisfaction into real life experience. I do believe that this study will help me to examine the various aspects of employee satisfaction from a student point of view as well as professional point of view. Also, it may be a guide line for further study on employee satisfaction, especially in Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Limited (BTCL).
2. THE STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: What are the influencing factors and their impact on employee satisfaction on Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL)?
3. The objectives of the study: The objective of the study can be viewed in two forms: General Objective Specific Objective
3.1 General Objective: This study is intended to do as a partial fulfillment of the Master of Business Administration (M.B.A) degree, Department of Management
References: 1. Devis, Keith and Newstrom, Jone w. Organizational Behavior. Singapore, The McGraw-Hill Companies. (2011-2012) 2. Robbins ,Stephen P. and Judge, Timothy A. , Organizational Behavior. New Jersey, Pearson Education, Inc. (2010-2011) 3. Zikmund, William G. et. al (2009). Business Research Methods. South-Western College Publications (2009).