This is to certify that GROUP NO-8, Div- B, MBA SEM 1 of Management and have submitted their Project Report On CUSTOMER PREFERENCE WITH RESPEPCT TO (NESCAFE AND BRU COFFEE) for the subject of “Managerial Communication” in the year 2012-2013 in partial fulfillment requirements for the award of the title of Master of Business Administration.
Date: /12/2012
It is indeed a great pleasure and privilege for us to present “CUSTOMER PREFERENCE WITH RESPEPCT TO (neSCAFE AND BRU COFFEE).
We would also like to thanks to the potential customers of Nescafe and Bru coffee who helped us giving needed information and their full co-operation towards us to give time to us from his busy schedule for filling our questionnaire.
“Learning categories you and practicing on that learning specializes you”
Practical aspect gives more knowledge and experience than the theory and no learning can be completed without practical aspects.
Projects are one of the most important parts of our curriculum for management students, its basic idea is to strengthen the students concept and make them equipped with recent development.
In days when it was business as usual companies could succeed by there new products with concept and supported by hard selling and good advertisement and consider that customer exhibit varying diverse requirement for product/Services combinations and price consider that they have high and rising expectations of quality and services. In the face of their vast choices. Customers will gravitate to the offering that best meet their individual needs and expectation value and all this will come out as the positioning of the brand in the market.