Prepared for
Mr. Kevin Lee
CEO of Sparkle Limited
Prepared by
Ms. Mary Chan
Sales manager for Sparkle Limited
February 18, 201
Sparkle Limited
Date: February 10, 2011
To: Mr. Kevin Lee, CEO, Sparkle Ltd.
From: Ms. Mary Chan, Sales manager, Sparkle Ltd
Subject: Report about Jewellery Industry in Hong Kong
The attached report, requested by you dated Jan 5, analyze the current business opportunities in jewelley industry in Hong Kong and also the possibility of establishing a retail jewellery shop in Hong Kong. I hope you will find the results of this report beneficial in making the decision of setting up a new retail store in Hong Kong.
The purpose of the report was designed to investigate the below areas:
1. Opportunities of in Hong Kong’s jewellery trade
2. Feasibility of Sparkle Ltd to open a new retail store in Hong Kong.
The scope of the report mainly focuses on the following areas:
1. Economic environment in Hong Kong
2. Our major competitors review
3. Demand of jewellery industry in Hong Kong
Secondary research included the annual sales report of our main competitors, government publications, information from Hong Kong Jewellery Association, books and online references. A more comprehensive analysis in each area is given and conclusions are drawn.
Sparkle Ltd. is always a company with good reputation in exporting and manufacturing jewellery overseas. The positive and supportive results are indicated by this report and I hope it would be helpful for you to decide whether to expand new business in Hong Kong. I would be grateful to discuss this report in depth with you at your convenience and request.
Table of contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Scope of study
4. Procedure
5. Findings & Analysis 5.1Economic environment 5.2Competition in Hong Kong Jewellery Industry 5.2.1 Traditional brand 5.2.2International brands 5.2.3