The representatives are chosen will handle their selected places and listen to any problems or issues that are rising from that state or region. In that case, any issues that are brought up must be through the representatives first. If the issue can be solved by the representative itself, it can only be solved there and there’s not a need to bring the issue to a higher level of authority. Other than that, they will also try to handle the interest of that particular area. For example, a case on room capacity for a mosque in a certain area that is not enough for the population there. The citizens are complaining and voicing out so that they can have a new mosque, therefore it is the job for the representatives to solve the issues there.
Representative democracy is usually done in a country that serves too many citizens and could not use direct democracy or participatory democracy because the number is too large. When there are too much people voicing out freely, there will be problems occurring in what to hear and what not to hear. Therefore the process will be complicated and loaded with information and voices to hear.
References: 1. Riker, W, 1982, Liberalism versus Populism: A Confrontation Between the Theory of Democracy and the Theory of Social Chocice San Francisco: Freeman. 2. Roussopoulos, D. Benello, C,G. 2003, The Participatory Democracy: Prospects for Democratizing Democracy, Black Rose Books; Revised edition. 3. Urbinati, N. 2008, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, University Of Chicago Press.