Business Research Ethics
Unethical business research and unethical business practice unfortunately seems to occur more often than it should and it could be found in various types of organization around the world. Organizations must make sure to keep the greatest degree of ethical behavior and in every aspect of their business. Moral principles are also crucial to consider and important when implementing business research. Majority of the times, rules and regulations are set in place to avoid unethical practices in organizations. Somehow, for whatever reason, unethical research is conducted and ethical behavior is simply ignored by many organizations. If business research is conducted unethically, there could be many reasons for it such as greed, gain, stratification, and sadly at times the excuse is that it was meant for the good of others. Whatever the reason, it does not justify the unethical practice and conduct. Ignoring rules and regulations set in place will eventually cost more harm than good but the sad truth is that some organizations will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. In April, 2003 writer Kolesnikov, Jessop (Singapore Sonia) wrote an article titled “Unethical behavior” in the South China Morning Post. In the article it talked about unethical research behavior happening on the other side of the world in Asia. It also shows the importance to have tightened rules and regulations for ethical behavior in medical research.
Singapore Biotech Hub With Singapore tourism sector not being what it used to be, the Singaporean government turned their focus to the biotechnology sector for future growth and to become the biotech hub of Asia. The Severe acute respiratory syndrome, also known as “SARS”, an outbreak in Asia raised the importance of the biotechnology sector; SARS also raised the bar for researchers to find a cure. S$3 billion was pledge “to build infrastructure, train scientist, fund research,