Head of north
Associate regional manager
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Area manager
-territory mangerx4
What is the existing performance management system of KFC?
Performance management – A management process for ensuring employees are focusingtheir work efforts in ways that contribute to achieving the company’s mission. It consistsof three phases:(a) Setting expectations for employee performance(b) Maintaining a dialogue between supervisor and employee to keep performance ontrack,(c) Measuring actual performance relative to performance expectations.The purpose of the performance management system is to ensure
The work performed by employees accomplishes KFC’s goals
Employees have a clear understanding of the quality and quantity of work expected from them
Employees receive ongoing information about how effectively they are performing relative to expectations
Awards and salary increases based on employee performance are distributedaccordingly
Opportunities for employee development are identified.
Employee performance that does not meet expectations is addressed.KFC started its operations in 1996 and till 4 to 5 years there was no human resourcedepartment in KFC and then in the 5 th year of its operation in pakistan it developed itshuman resource department. When KFC started its performance management system soat that it used 360 degree feedback to evaluate its employees in which every employeewas evaluated by his supervisor and his peers. The also launched their own ranking scalenamed by
“My Growth Body” and details of their feedback system and
“My GrowthBody” are given below
1. Communicating employee performance expectations
Since KFC has two main cycles on which it assesses its employees the three monthscycle for operational staff and the twelve month cycle for managerial staff, so at the startof each