Graduate School of Nursing
Living with Memories that are slowly fading Away: An Interpretative Phenomenological study on the burdens faced by an elder with a partner diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease
Submitted by:
Alneil T. Antonio RN
Submitted to:
Aldrin Darilag RMT, RN, PhD
October 3, 2012
What’s the meaning of life when slowly you’ll forget things? What will you feel if your love one will soon forget the things you used to do? What are the burdens will you face in taking care of your partner diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease…
Alzheimer 's ... it is a barren disease, as empty and lifeless as a desert. It is a thief of hearts and souls and memories.
Caring for a partner with Alzheimer’s Disease entails a severe burden. In particular, family caregivers of Alzheimer’s disease patients face extreme hardship and distress that represents a major but often hidden burden on healthcare systems. Family members and especially caregivers (usually the spouse or adult children) of the client with AD face the great deal of emotional and physical burden (Black, Hawks, 2009). The burden of providing care for clients with dementia is particularly troublesome. The degree of cognitive impairment, amount of help required with activities of daily living, personally changes, and presence of psychiatric symptoms and behavioral symptoms and behavioral disturbances cause the greatest concerns. (Navaie-Waliser, M. Feldman, P.H, gould, D.A. et al.2001) The relationship between the client and the caregiver can become strained and isolation from friends and activities creates additional social isolation. Caregivers often experience clinically significant changes in physical and mental health (Burns, A.2000).
References: Black, J.M. & Hawks, J.H. (2009). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Clinical Management for Positive Outcomes 8th ed. St. Louis, Missouri Brookmeyer, R, Johnson, E, Ziegler-Graham, K, Arrighi, HM (2007) Bumagin, Victoria, Kathryn Hirn(2001) Caregiving: A Guide for Those Who Give Care and Those Who Receive it Burns, A (2000) Creswell, John W. (2007) Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design:Choosing Among Five Approaches Lincoln, Yvonna S., Guba, Egon G Hasselkus, B., & Murray, B. (2007). Everyday occupation, well-being, and identity: The experience of caregivers in families with dementia. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Navaie-Waliser, M Polit, D.F., & Beck, C.T. (2008). Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice (8th edition). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Smith J.A Watari, K., Wetherell, J., Gatz, M., Delaney, J., Ladd, C., & Cherry, D. (2006). Long-distance caregivers: Characteristics, service needs, and use of a long distance caregiver program. Clinical Gerontologist Websites