Most individuals have undergone through stress and pressure; this has molded them into what they are now, but there are those unfortunate enough to have been devoured by stress and pressure that instead of conquering it fell in its clutches. This chapter will present the studies that the researchers have gathered related to the topic.
Academic Pressure
According to studies, pressure can result to misconducts and unhealthy behaviors. Students who have experienced pressure to succeed have been cheating, pulling all nighters to study, becoming depressed, and seeking relief in drug use and self-mutilation, according to Conner, et. al., (2010)
Even those students who were perceived as most likely to succeed might also are most likely to crumble under pressure. (Carey, 2005) Hence, students are prone to self harm and neglect of well-being.
Pressure is accepted as one of the factors that push people to move and achieve goals. It has helped individuals to complete tasks and perform other tasks, but for an individual to have received too much can damage them. Furthermore, pressures can also result to devastating effects in an individual’s life if not situated moderately.
“Many students reported feeling stressed out, overworked, and sleep deprived. They spoke of the tolls of stress on their mental and physical well-being and on their ability to learn academic material. Ultimately, their comments raise questions about whether a student's grade point average, frequently used as a marker of student success, is a good indicator of what students are actually learning and accomplishing.” (Conner, et. al., 2010)
Stress can produce both biological and psychological consequences. Often the most immediate reaction to stress is a biological one. Exposure to stressors generates a rise in hormone secretions by the adrenal glands, an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and changes in how well the skin conducts