Research Method Design and Methodology This chapter presents the research design and methodology of the study by which the researcher’s activities were undertaken. Furthermore, includes here the Research Design, Respondents of the Study, Research Instrument, Data Gathering Procedure and Statistical Treatment of Data that are intended to gather the information needed.
Methods of Research In doing this information gathering, the Normative Descriptive Research through the survey questionnaires is used by the researcher to gather information about the subject matter that is under research. Descriptive method is to describe the nature of situation as it exists at time of the study and to explore the particular phenomena involving a collection of data in order to test hypothesis or to answer question concerning the current status of the subject of the study. The descriptive method of research is designed to help the researcher describe the subject matter by using tools as graphs to organize data into patterns that emerge analysis.
Respondents of the Study
The respondent of the study are the employees of RFM Corporation approximately (100) one hundred persons to see the effectiveness of having Employee Record Tracking System. The respondents of the study are the (75) seventy five personal’s of RFM Corporation the responses to the survey are used to validate the subject being study.
Locale of the Study
In the study entitled Employee Record Tracking System of RFM Corporation Pioneer cor Sheridan Mandaluyong City 2015-2016, the researcher conducts the survey on RFM Corporation Pioneer corner Sheridan Mandaluyong City Philippines.
Research Instrument The survey checklist as the main data-gathering instrument for this study. The questionnaire is divided into three main parts; First is the need of having of a system in order to effectively, accurate and fast ordering which consist of six (6) items. The second part is the benefits of having this