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Attaining Customer Loyalty! The Role of Consumer Attitude and Consumer Behavior
Assistant Professor Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad Pakistan
Email: bagram@hotmail.com
Tel: +92-3335188677
Lecturer City University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar Pakistan
Email: shahzadkhan.lecturer@gmail.com
Tel: +92-3339405596
All over the world every business and profit earning firm want to make their consumer loyal. There are many factors responsible for this customer loyalty but two of them are prominent. This research study is focused on that how customer satisfaction and customer retention contribute towards customer loyalty. For analysis part of this study, Universities students of Peshawar Region were targeted. A sample of 120 were selected from three universities of Peshawar. These universities were Preston University, Sarhad
University and City University of Science and Information technology. Analysis was conducted with the help of SPSS 19. Results of the study shows that customer loyalty is more dependent upon Customer satisfaction in comparison of customer retention. Customer perceived value and customer perceived quality are the major factors which contribute for the customer loyalty of Universities students for mobile handsets. Key Words: Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Retention.
In Current market the concept of customer loyalty is a key factor. While making consumer loyal toward a company product is not an easy job. Customer loyalty plays a very important role to achieve competitive advantage and maintain it. The main two variables Customer satisfaction and Customer retention are very important. These two variables are depending on some other variables. Customer satisfaction is depended on perceived quality and perceived value. Customer
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