The conduct of this research entitled Psychological Pricing: An influence on the Consumer Buying Behavior is in lined with the courses enrolled by the researchers which is Marketing Management, to have better understanding with the consumers buying behavior with regards to their aspects and decision and to establish the facts that will go to gather from the respective individuals.
To understand more on the topic chosen, a review on literatures related to the study were done by the researchers.
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE (Stiving and Winer,) from the internet ( Dec. 16, 2013)ASAMOAH, E.S., CHOVANCOV said that: The influence of price endings on consumer behavior: an application of the Psychology of perception. Price ending is an important pricing strategy that has been used by retailers over the years. The trend seems to be effective considering how consumers react especially to products with odd price endings.
Psychological pricing has been used by marketers over the years to influence buying behavior of consumers. Many businesses use psychological tactics in pricing their product or service sometimes unknowingly. Psychological pricing is the practice of structuring and presenting prices to appeal to consumers emotions and to influence their and not the actual money price. In many cases, the psychology of pricing and price perception is more important than the actual price of the product or service; and businesses that understand the role of psychology that plays in their pricing strategies can come out as winners.
Price is multi-faceted , therefore a producing a commodity, the crucial question that needs to be answered is: “What