Michael Jackson’s attitude towards life was always an inspiration on those who looked up to him the most. He always put others before himself, which has created an image of generosity and compassion that a lot of people do not know about. Most should and some do understand how special Michael was and still is to this world and why he is missed so much regardless of the horrific rumors and situations he went through.
Michael went through many rough times with stories about him that may or may not have been true, diseases that changed his life, and surgeries that altered his appearance. None of it seemed to bother him; it was more about the difference he made on the day’s society. According to TMZ’s website, rumors about Jackson and his children’s former nanny escalated to the fullest. Media claimed that Michael and the nanny, Rwaramba, were involved with each other in a three year secret relationship and that the …show more content…
Of course, everything has to construed to look like more than it is. Gossip on websites, the social networks, and television media all appeared to come up with the same idea, “Michael Jackson wanted to be white so he bleached his skin.” It just so happens that the truth comes out once he was deceased. In PEOPLE magazine, written by Charlotte Triggs, doctors try to prove to the public that Michael had a skin condition and disease called Vitilgo but no one listened. Vitiligo in an inheritable, lifelong disease that causes discoloring or whitish skin patches with dark edges. In order to treat this, the patient has to dye the skin. Knowing this information, Jackson’s doctors told him about Chromelin, a waterproof skin dye, which turns the skin white. When they performed an autopsy, it revealed that Michael indeed had the disease. Unfortunately, his thirteen year-old son is also showing signs of Vitiligo as well. (Charlotte Triggs, Inside Story: Michael