end in a discharge of epinephrine from the adrenal cortex. This can cause a sudden release of glucose. Cigarettes are one type of tobacco. Smoking cigarettes can harm every bodily organ and organ system in the body. It is the leading causes of cancer in the lungs, larynx, esophagus, kidney, bladder, throat, liver, pancreas, and mouth. There are other types of tobacco that has major affects which are cigars and chewing tobacco. Cigars are a type of tobacco that is smoked but not usually inhaled.
Cigars have a tobacco wrapper and contain primarily a single type of tobacco. In the United States, there are three types of cigar sizes sold. They are large cigars, cigarillos, and little cigars. Large cigars usually contain anywhere between five and twenty grams of tobacco and can measure more than seven inches in length. Cigarillos contain about three grams of tobacco and are a little bigger than a cigarette. The last type is little cigars. Little cigars usually contain about one gram of tobacco and are the same size as cigarettes. Some of them even have filters and are designed to be smoked as if they were cigarettes. The last major type of tobacco is chewing tobacco also known as snuff or loose leaf tobacco. Unlike cigars and cigarettes chewing tobacco is smokeless. Chewing tobacco can have negative effects after so long because it injects nicotine directly into the bloodstream through the mouth. Chewing tobacco contains much more nicotine than tobacco cigarettes. While it may seem cool to use tobacco there are many effects of it. Some of them could even cause …show more content…
death. It is usually younger adults who think tobacco use is cool because it is what “everyone” is doing. Young people are able to develop lung cancer faster from smoking. It can lead to stunted lung development or even becoming an adult with lungs that have not developed to full capacity. It can even affect a young person’s athletic performance and youth activities. Not only is tobacco bad on the lungs but it also has greater effects. The biggest health effect is that it could cause cancer. Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide out of control and are able to attack other tissues. The poisons in tobacco can change a cell’s DNA or even damage it. A cancer tumor can be created when DNA is damaged and a cell begins growing out of control.
Respiratory diseases are another big health risk of tobacco. These include chronic obstructive disease also known as COPD which includes chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer. Chronic bronchitis is long-term and is an inflammation of the large airways known as your bronchi. Emphysema is also a chronic lung condition and it affects the air sacs known as alveoli in the lungs. The last is lung cancer which is the abnormal growth of cells that may result in tumors, masses, or lumps. It can start in the lining of the bronchi or other parts of the respiratory system. There are many other tobacco related problems other than these.
These other problems could be heart disease, stroke, asthma, diabetes, and respiratory affects in women. Any amount of smoking, no matter if it is just light smoking or occasional smoking, damages the heart and blood vessels. Tobacco smoke contains high levels of carbon monoxide which affects the heart by reducing the amount of oxygen that the blood is able to carry. If your heart is not able to get all the oxygen you need then the heart will not be able to perform everyday functions. Heart attacks are the leading cause of death for smokers but they are able to reduce their risk of a heart attack if they quit smoking even if they have been smoking for a while.
When you use tobacco not only are you affecting yourself but you are also affecting the people around you or if you are pregnant then you are affecting your unborn child. Secondhand smoke can affect others just because you wanted to use tobacco. Secondhand smoke is the smoke that is exhaled by smokers and then emitted from the burning end of whatever tobacco product you have chosen to use. Some statistics say that it causes over seven thousand deaths of lung cancer each year in people who do not smoke. Children and infants are at a high risk for (SIDS) sudden infant death syndrome than those infants or children not exposed to secondhand smoke. If you are exposed to secondhand smoke regularly while pregnant then you will have an increased chance of having a stillbirth, a baby with birth defects, a low birthweight baby, or other complications of pregnancy.
Not only is secondhand smoke dangerous to an unborn baby but also using any kind of tobacco products is. When you choose to smoke while pregnant then you are putting yourself at risk for a miscarriage, a premature birth, and birth defects. Not only does it affect your unborn baby but it can also affect your baby afterwards because the nicotine is carried through your bloodstream and goes directly to the baby. Smoking affects your baby because of the shortage of oxygen which may have devastating effects on the baby’s growth and development.
It may seem hard to quit using tobacco but it is so worth it in the end. Most people who have quit smoking will tell you that they have tried at least once or maybe even several times before they were successful. Today, they have a lot of ways to help with quitting tobacco and many resources that could help you. There are smoking cessation medications or you could talk to your health care provider about nicotine therapy. If it seems more difficult for you to do it alone then you may try joining smoking cessation programs and you might have a better chance at being successful. Even though it will be hard it is going to be worth it to you in the long run and you will feel relieved.
There are not any benefits to using tobacco but there are some benefits to quitting it.
When you quit then your blood pressure, pulse rate, and blood carbon monoxide levels drop, and your blood oxygen levels begin to increase to a normal level. When quitting tobacco then you will have more energy and certain things will begin to improve such as your nasal congestion, coughing, fatigue, and shortness of breath. You will finally be able to do everyday activities without having shortness of breath. Quitting can also help with having fewer asthma attacks, colds, and illnesses since your immune system is able to rebuild itself without having something affect it. Some other benefits of quitting the use of tobacco are lower chance of blood clots that may travel to the lungs and fewer problems during pregnancy. Even those around you can benefit from you when you choose to put tobacco down especially infants and children. It can be easier to control their asthma if they have it, you will have fewer visits to the hospital, reduced risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and fewer colds, ear infections, and