English 9 Block 2
Research Paper
Smokeless Tobacco VS Cigarettes Smokeless tobacco, also known as dip and chewing tobacco, is tobacco that you put in your lip. Most of the people that use smokeless tobacco start at a young age. Then you have cigarettes that are nearly twice as harmful to your body. The smoking of tobacco gives you a better chance at getting cancer in your lungs and mouth. That is why smokeless tobacco is not a safe alternative but safer that smoking. Horner, Richard says that one third of cancer is caused by smoking. Smokeless tobacco is not a safe alternative to smoking, but it is safer. , although smokeless tobacco it can deliver high doses of nicotine. It is dependence forming, …show more content…
but do not appear to cause cancer or respiratory diseases. (foulds) Snus is manufactured some harmful chemicals than dependence forming, but do not appear to cause cancer or increase in cardiovascular risks and is likely to be harmful to lower than those caused by smoking. (foulds) People have been brainwashed that smokeless tobacco and smoking cigarettes have the same effects on your body, which is wrong, because humans don’t get lung cancer from smokeless tobacco. Plus lung cancer has a higher chance of killing you, because when you breathe it spreads through your body. People say that smokeless tobacco is more addictive, but Zhu, S-H says that “Men quit smokeless tobacco at three times the rate of quitting cigarettes (38.8% vs. 11.6 %.)” All tobacco is addictive and hard to quit. Smokeless tobacco is more addicting because it has a higher nicotine level then.. cigarettes, but since it has more nicotine you won’t have to put in a dip as much as you would smoke a cigarette. When dipping you also leave it in your mouth longer than it takes to smoke a cigarette, so you will have to smoke more often. Everyone says that dip cause mouth cancer, tooth loss, and yellow teeth. Dr. Rodu says that as long as you get regular checkups at the dentist and you brush your teeth you will not lose your teeth and the dentist will be able to catch any sign of cancer before it turns serious. Up to 90% of oral cancer is caused by smoking not smokeless tobacco (Dr.Rodu). People think that they can only get lung cancer from smoking not any other cancers. When you put a dip in your mouth you only have it in that one spot, but when you smoke it goes everywhere in your mouth which puts you at a higher risk of attaining oral cancer. Most cases of oral cancer from smokeless tobacco use are above the age of 70 and have been using it for more than 55 years (Dr. Rodu) Smokeless tobacco can shorten your life right because it is bad for you, wrong, the difference in peoples life expectancy that have never used smokeless tobacco and people that have used it is only .001 of a year (Dr.
Rodu). In Sweden smokeless tobacco is huge, it is like there way of life. Sweden has high life expectancy, but if smokeless tobacco was a health risk this would not be so, say Dr. Rodu. Nobody in Sweden really smokes cigarettes. They have one of the lowest rates in oral cancer and it is way lower than the U.S. (Dr. Rodu). 80% of medical bills will go to smoking, while alcohol is at 17% and other drugs at 3%. Smokeless tobacco is not even on that list. Over the next 20 years the U.S. will spend over 1 trillion dollars on medical expenses with smoking being 800 billion (Dr. Rodu) Leukoplakia will affect 40 to 80 percent of smokeless tobacco users. Although leukoplakia might sound scary, all it is white spots in your mouth from dipping a little too much. Researchers say that there is a small chance that it will ever go to the next stage which is cancer. You can keep it from developing by just changing the placement of your dip. Dr. Rodu” it is almost criminal to implicate smoking with smokeless …show more content…
tobacco.” Most people will tell you that smoking is safer than smokeless tobacco.
With all this information like, oral cancer being caused by smoking and there being more cases of death from smoking that smokeless tobacco. This proves that if you are smoker save your life and change to smokeless tobacco or just stop.
Work Cited
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