I. Chapter One – Introduction
A. Brief background
1. Explains need for the study
B. Problem Statement
1. Principle proposition
2. Interacting proposition
3. Speculative proposition
C. Purpose Statement/Explicative statement
1. Significance of the problem
D. Research Questions
E. Definition of Terms
F. Limitations, Delimitations and Assumptions
II. Chapter Two - Literature Review
A. Restate the background (1-2 paragraphs)
1. include purpose statement
2. restate research questions
B. Review the theoretical and empirical literature
1. Must support your purpose
2. Include an explanation of the major theories
3. Use peer reviewed journals as primary sources
a. Use books sparingly – most have not been reviewed
b. Electronic sources should be avoided (this does NOT include electronic versions of peer reviewed journals; they are ok)
c. Absolutely no Wikipedia citations except for simple definitions
4. First section should “outline” what is to come in the review
5. Include summaries and transitions throughout
6. Use sub-headings to guide the reader
C. Conclude with a summary of the literature that answers your “problem”
III. Chapter Three – Methods
A. Restate the background and problem (1-2 paragraphs)
B. Restate the research questions
C. You MAY want to do a pilot study first. If so, describe it here.
1. It would include all the parts below plus what you plan to do with those results.
D. Describe your population and sample that you will use in your study
1. Many of you will do a survey; I cannot stress enough how important it is to describe the survey population in your study!
E. Describe your instrument
1. Often you can find one that has already been constructed – I suggest you do that because it will simplify your life considerably.
F. Describe exactly how you will collect your data
G. Explain how you will analyze your data
H. Include a statement about getting ORDA approval before you conduct the