Employee Retention is the biggest challenge that the Disability Determination Services is facing today. The uncertainty of a changing economy has DDS wanting to adhere to its mission to improve the quality of life for Texans with disabilities that apply for or receive Social Security disability benefits by making timely and accurate disability determinations. The aim of this research is to provide an insight into the issue of employee turnover in Disability Determination Services, describing how Employees satisfaction helps retain Employees. This knowledge will be used to formulate a plan to retain employees and continue to provide Texans with accurate and timely service.
Problem Statement
The Disability Determination Services (DDS), a division within DARS, processes disability claims for benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Disability Programs. Following federal regulations, DDS commits to making accurate and prompt decisions on disability. Disability Determination Services processes claims for benefits under the Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income Disability programs. A division within the Texas Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), DDS works in partnership with the Social Security Administration and follows federal regulations in making its decisions.
After a two year pay freeze from the Federal Government the agency is now experiencing a high turnover rate. 10% of DDS employees are leaving their job without any prior notice. The Disability Determination Service has failed considerably to find the reasons employees leave the agency. So it is very important to know the factors responsible.
Employee Retention refers to the ability of an organization to retain its employees. Employee retention can be represented by a simple statistic, for example, a retention rate of 80% usually indicates that an organization kept 80% of its employees in a given
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