Professor: Bell, Weslea
Assignment 2: Research Proposal
Should changes be made to the regulations for foods, served in public schools?
The topic selected is should changes be made to the regulations for foods which are served in public schools. This topic is selected because of two reasons, first, education is the base of development on each level, whether it is on individual level, social level, economic level, or at national level. The second reason is, Government has opened public schools to provide education at minimum or no cost to the students and they also provide free or lost cost meal to them to make sure that they get the minimum calories to have a healthy body and sound mind. But the food served is generally not of a quality standard and that is why we often come across some news or the other about the degraded food quality. So the topic was selected to know more about the same.
Thesis statement: Food leads to healthy mind and body, healthy mind and body leads to education, Education leads to development. Which means ultimately a healthy food can lead to development. So it is very important to eat well. National school lunch program: It is a federally assisted program of meal being operated in either nonprofit private schools or public schools and residential child care centers. The purpose of this meal program is to provide a low-cost of free meal to the kids of schools so that they maintain a balanced nutritional diet along with study. This program was started under National School Lunch Act, which was duly signed by President Harry Truman in 1946.
The three major characteristics of my audience are, first, they are a mass of people and a mass of people can lead to change in decisions; second, the current view on this topic and third is awareness. Now the question which needs to be answered is do we need a change? If the answer is yes, then the time is now. Free meal or low-cost meal does not mean a low
References: H. Nanci, (1/25/2012), Government requires more fruits, veggies for school lunches, USA TODAY, retrieve from * http://yourlife.usatoday.com/fitness-food/diet-nutrition/story/2012-01-25/Government-requires-more-fruits-veggies-for-school-lunches/52779404/1 B. Karen Wednesday, (Jan. 26, 2011), Parents, Principals Don 't Like School Lunch Rules, Time U.S., retrieve from * http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2044463,00.html#ixzz1slTbjXEM Back to featured Nutrition Expert Interview, (N.D.), super Kids Nutrition Inc. Get the inside scoop from nutrition experts as they share their tips for healthy living * http://superkidsnutrition.com/experts/i_giancoli.php Meals Offered and Served in US Public Schools, AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION, * http://www.ift.org/knowledge-center/focus-areas/food-health-and-nutrition/sodium-reduction/~/media/Knowledge%20Center/Focus%20Areas/Food%20Health%20and%20Nutrition/Sodium%20Reduction/Publication/Crepinsek_JADA_schoolmeals.pdf President Harry, (02/21/2012), National School Lunch Program, USDA * http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/lunch/