“We can do a tremendous amount of good for kids across the country if we change school lunches,” says Chef Ann Cooper, the self proclaimed “renegade lunch lady”. Chef Ann Cooper is a celebrated author, chef, educator, and enduring advocate for better food for all children (Insite, 2010)
It was established that one of the causes of various “school” diseases such as dental caries, stunting, disease of the gastrointenstinal tract as well as obesity occur due to the poor quality of food, which is provided by the school administrators, assert Hutton (2011). The author claims that students who chose eating lunch which was proposed by school tended to have excess weight in comparison with those students who chose taking lunch from home. As a rule, students prefer eating fatty meals, for instance, burgers, french fries, chips, drinking sugary lemonades than fruits, vegetables and drinking still water. (Suddath, 2009) It means that the school administration should ban to sell fast food which contain high level of fats.
Lucy Komisar is an investigative reporter and author of articles in “The New York Times” newspaper contend, that schools get food for lunches free of charge from the Agricultural Department and then some schools cook it on site but unfortunately majority schools prefer to turn these qualitative and fresh products into fried chicken nuggets, fruit pastries and others. It means that food loses the nutrition qualities after being processed. Many schools continue to exceed the standards for