My objective in this experiment is to investigate one of the factors that affect the resistance of a piece of wire; the one I am investing is the length at constant temperature.
My objective in this experiment is to investigate one of the factors that affect the resistance of a piece of wire. The factor I chose was length.
There our four different things that affect the resistance of a wire:
1. The Length because the wire is thinner than the rest of the wires the electrons wood have more trouble going through for if the wire had the same width there would be no difference, and the longer it is the harder it will be for them so the resistance will go up.
2. The Width when the wire is very thin its very hard to go through, you can compare it to a person going through a big, or little door, the thinner the door (wire) the harder it will be to go through it. With other words the thinner the wire gets the higher the resistance.
3. The Temperature when the wire gets warmer and warmer the metallic ions will vibrate more and more making it harder for the electrons to move, just like when you're in a room with dancing people. The higher the temperature the higher the resistance.
4. The type of Metal the type of metal has everything to do with the resistance, because some metals have looser electrons then others the can go around faster. And because the electrons can move fast they can flow through the wire fast, meaning that the resistance will be lower.
I think that if you ad more length to the wire it will be harder for the electrons to go through because, they all should have to have a longer way threw a small tunnel' making it harder for them to pass the tunnel. I also think that the wire at constant temperature shall be an ohmic conductor.
I predict that the longer the wire, the more resistance. This would be because the more distance that is covered while going from point A to point