Laurie G. Kirszner Stephen R. Mandell
Prepared by
Courtney Novosat Jeffrey Ousborne Cara Snider
Bedford/St. Martin’s
Boston o New York
Copyright © 2011 by Bedford/St. Martin’s All rights reserved. Instructors who have adopted Practical Argument as a textbook for a course are authorized to duplicate portions of this manual for their students. Manufactured in the United States of America. 5 4 3 2 1 0 f e d c b a For information, write: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 75 Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116 (617-399-4000) ISBN-10: 0-312-61310-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-312-61310-5
As the title suggests, Practical Argument strives to make the methodologies and nuances of argumentation practical by helping students to realize that arguments are, indeed, everywhere. Accordingly, the introductory chapter focuses on reframing students’ understanding of arguments as fights or quarrels; in addition, by focusing on common examples that students encounter in everyday life, the introductory chapter allays the trepidation many feel when confronted with formal argument. More than most texts, Practical Argument focuses on demystifying argumentation by offering common and practical explanations and examples in each chapter. And, recognizing the demands of teaching, here in this manual, we distill the key ideas of each section and essay, suggest additional teaching ideas or resources, help to negotiate some of the common problems students encounter with the material, and provide responses for each exercise. In short, we’ve striven to make Practical Argument not only practical for students but practical for instructors. The manual for Practical Argument mirrors the pattern of the text. For example, as the text’s introduction is divided into seven sections, so is the manual’s coverage of it. As we have done for the introduction, for each chapter of the text the instructor’s manual offers a comprehensive guide to ensure that you