Social needs are needed for belonging, acceptance, appreciation and relationships. Rachel’s social needs would need to be attended to as she has moved into a residential care home away from her home and son. Rachel could be feeling lonely as she only has one family member who works most of the time. Rachel could be feeling lonely because she is in a different place where she doesn’t know anyone so she might not trust other residents and carers yet. Her son may not visit much as he works often, Rachel would need to interact with others and form relationships with the carers and residents so that she can begin to trust them, increase her confidence, and make her feel more comfortable. Rachel’s social …show more content…
A physical need that would need to be attended to would be shelter, as Rachel would need to have somewhere suitable to live to make it easier for her to get around, and to ensure she is safe and can’t leave the care home easily so that she isn’t able to wander outside of her room or the care home during the day and night, if this does happen there would be 24/7 carers in the care home to ensure they notice quickly so that she doesn’t get lost or injured. The carers would need to ensure that Rachel knows her surroundings. Another need that would need to be attended to would be food as Rachel may not be able to tell when she needs to eat because of her dementia so her carers would need to feed her and remind her to eat so that she isn’t left without …show more content…
Rachel is at this stage of the hierarchy as she may not feel secure and safe at the care home yet as she doesn’t know the residents and the care home is a new place to her so she doesn’t know where she is, where things are and can feel uncomfortable as she may not have much privacy. Carers could help Rachel get to the next step by introducing her to other residents and showing her and her son around the care home, this could help her feel secure seeing her son visit and know his way around, if he trusts them it may help Rachel trust them too. Rachel’s behaviour may be changing as her physical development may not fully be met, her dementia may change the way she reacts to certain things as she may not understand like she used to. Rachel is in the adulthood stage of development. Physical development refers to the growth and development in our body and our physical skills. Maslow’s hierarchy could help Rachel’s physical development as this includes her physiological needs, her growth would have reached its full potential at this stage as she is an adult and will soon start shrinking as she is getting closer to older adulthood, Rachel’s physical skills may be deteriorating because of her