Critic Taken from Polarprefecture: heretics
Posted by Sunniva
Index of the colours used: black =the words of Angelica Zambrano; red =words of Sunniva; Violet =my answers
*The “evil revelation of Angelica Zambrano”
I usually don't pay much attention to these private revelations that pop up from time to time. As a former protestant I did, and it was usually a waste of time. What follows is the opinion from a formal protestant who turned towards the sect of the sedevacantists. “a deviation of the mainline Catholic Church who maintains originality of the Catholic faith”. Sedevacantists consider everything in Catholicism except its own catholic fraction as a deviation from true religion ever since the second Vatican council (1962–1965); the sedevacantist is noted for its extreme religious intolerance, yet they are up till now quite pacifist. They maintain that there cannot be any Christianity outside the original Roman Church; no salvation, for any non-catholic and now anti-popes in the Vatican, whom ever since misled the faithful Catholic. Because the Vatican has abandoned the doctrine of exclusiveness since the early sixties are they now considered as fallen in heresy ipso facto, and not worthy of honour. .
But I noticed a "testimony" that was becoming increasingly popular online, and I even found it published on a more traditional Catholic site (referring to a sedevacantist site), because this 18 year old Ecuadorian girl claims to have seen John Paul II burning in hell because of his idolatry while she was apparently dead for 23 hours. And so it is tempting for *sedevacantists to publish her YouTube-testimony to get the word going. And I must say; this girl is very convincing in many ways, and it only makes her testimony more dangerous. So I suffered through the whole thing, trying to find the agenda behind her revelation of Heaven and hell. Already one sees a spirit of