“The Seventh Man” by Haruki Murakami is a story that is about a life or death situation. In the story there is two guys and one specifically knows there will be a wave coming but won't tell the other guy. “I knew the wave was coming..” pg.138 paragraph 30. This quote describes that he didn't think of letting him know. “ I found myself running the other way-running full speed towards the dyke,alone” pg.138 paragraph 30 . What this quote is really trying to say is that he wasn't thinking about K’s life only his. He knew trying to save him would risk his own life ,that's why he ran the other way ,he didn't want to die not risk his life for his . “What I saw was K.” Paragraph 36.”And his right arm was stretched out in my direction,as if he were trying to grab my hand and pull me into the other world where he was now. A little closer,and his hand would have touched mine. But,having missed,K’’.page 139 paragraph 37. These evidence show that he only cared about himself and he should be held accountable for his actions because he let K die knowing he was able to save him. He didn’t think positive but negative about his friend K because he had thought k would kill him too if he were to try to save
“The Seventh Man” by Haruki Murakami is a story that is about a life or death situation. In the story there is two guys and one specifically knows there will be a wave coming but won't tell the other guy. “I knew the wave was coming..” pg.138 paragraph 30. This quote describes that he didn't think of letting him know. “ I found myself running the other way-running full speed towards the dyke,alone” pg.138 paragraph 30 . What this quote is really trying to say is that he wasn't thinking about K’s life only his. He knew trying to save him would risk his own life ,that's why he ran the other way ,he didn't want to die not risk his life for his . “What I saw was K.” Paragraph 36.”And his right arm was stretched out in my direction,as if he were trying to grab my hand and pull me into the other world where he was now. A little closer,and his hand would have touched mine. But,having missed,K’’.page 139 paragraph 37. These evidence show that he only cared about himself and he should be held accountable for his actions because he let K die knowing he was able to save him. He didn’t think positive but negative about his friend K because he had thought k would kill him too if he were to try to save