What to Include in a Senior Resume Education Section
Many seniors are concerned that their prior education may make them seem over-experienced when applying for job positions that don't require advanced degrees. For example, if you have a master's degree in business and are applying for a cashiering position, you may worry about seeming overqualified for the job. Including relevant details about your education, seminars and training to the position you want shows employers that your previous education experience will help you in the job you want.
On the other hand, many seniors who are writing a resume education section worry that their lack of education may make it hard for them to compete with other applicants. In this situation, including any certifications, ongoing general education or outside courses lets employers see that you have the …show more content…
Omit dates of graduation or completion to ensure that your resume doesn't age you. Add details from your education that will add to your work experiences using bullet points. Feel free to leave off your GPA, but do include any honors you received during school such as graduating with honors. Write ongoing education degrees or certification courses by including the date you expect to graduate or finish. For example, "Coursework in Computer Science, Maricopa Community College, anticipated completion date May