Due date: 8thhMay 2013
Report Length: 2000 words
Total Weight: 40%
Students need to be uploaded on BB (which uses turn-it in to check on your work) by 11:59pm. Please submit hard copies to your tutors during the following seminar.
(Students may be asked to perform a viva if required by the tutor to verify their understanding of the subject matter - date and time to be advised by the tutor).
Students are to select a new product launch campaign for given brand from a market of their choice and analyse, evaluate and assess the Media tools.
* Brief Background on the market and competition * Identify communication objectives * Target group * Brand Positioning * What are the media vehicles used?
Describe Campaign * Are they integrated?
Criteria: All elements of the marketing mix are coordinated.
Focusing on a single message so as to develop stronger relationships with the customers.
Messages are focused and single-minded messages as these are processed more effectively by consumers (can use SIMPLE criteria) * Explain why the choice of media tools is or isn’t appropriate to the situation and why.
Qualitative media characteristics,
Efficiency criteria: cost per thousand according to the target group
* Based on the literature review you conducted in Assignment 1, what are your recommendations?
For the report, you are required to structure your document as follows: * Cover page * Abstract (a short paragraph on what the paper is about) * Page content * The report body * Conclusion * References * Appendix (if any)
Student name:
Seminar group time:
Over All Mark:
General Comments:
Criteria/ mark | Comments | Analysis of the campaign media tools (45%) * What are the media vehicles used? * Are they integrated? * Explain why the choice of