1.2 The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 extended the RRA 1976 to cover discrimination in services provided by public bodies including HEI‟s and FE‟s. It extends protection against racial discrimination directly, indirectly or by victimisation. It places a number of enforceable positive duties on public authorities of which the University is one. The Employment Rights Act 1996 covers the entire contractual relationship between employee and employer. It should be noted that anything said during the recruitment and selection process could be deemed to be contractual e.g. if you mention a salary to a person it could be binding. The national minimum wage act 2014 is over 21's £6.50, 18 to 20 £5.13, under 18's £3.79 and apprentice £2.73. Health and safety at work act 1974 this act covers a wide range of issues relating to the work place. Employees have a general obligation under the Act to take care of others and cooperate with employers’ health and safety requirements. Manual handling operations regulations 1992 (amended 2002) this is very important to both the carer and the individual who is being cared for. Therefore regular training is mandatory to enable the carer to keep up to date with the regulations and the correct ways to use manual handling. Control of substance hazardous to health 2002 (COSHH) Within the care sector these regulations may apply to cleaning products and medication that could be dangerous if not correctly used. Care providers need to ensure that they are stored appropriately to ensure safety of the service user as well as the staff. And that staff who use them are trained to do so. Reporting of injuries, Diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1981. Employers have an obligation to report death or serious work place accidents, occupational diseases and dangerous occurrences to the HSE. Health and safety (first aid) regulations 1981. employers must
1.2 The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 extended the RRA 1976 to cover discrimination in services provided by public bodies including HEI‟s and FE‟s. It extends protection against racial discrimination directly, indirectly or by victimisation. It places a number of enforceable positive duties on public authorities of which the University is one. The Employment Rights Act 1996 covers the entire contractual relationship between employee and employer. It should be noted that anything said during the recruitment and selection process could be deemed to be contractual e.g. if you mention a salary to a person it could be binding. The national minimum wage act 2014 is over 21's £6.50, 18 to 20 £5.13, under 18's £3.79 and apprentice £2.73. Health and safety at work act 1974 this act covers a wide range of issues relating to the work place. Employees have a general obligation under the Act to take care of others and cooperate with employers’ health and safety requirements. Manual handling operations regulations 1992 (amended 2002) this is very important to both the carer and the individual who is being cared for. Therefore regular training is mandatory to enable the carer to keep up to date with the regulations and the correct ways to use manual handling. Control of substance hazardous to health 2002 (COSHH) Within the care sector these regulations may apply to cleaning products and medication that could be dangerous if not correctly used. Care providers need to ensure that they are stored appropriately to ensure safety of the service user as well as the staff. And that staff who use them are trained to do so. Reporting of injuries, Diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1981. Employers have an obligation to report death or serious work place accidents, occupational diseases and dangerous occurrences to the HSE. Health and safety (first aid) regulations 1981. employers must